Friday, May 6, 2011

Month 4 Weigh-in Week Update - Gargantuar

So this past week has been up and down for me. We'll start with the down. I too have been lamenting the Capitals post season woes. Watching the games makes me very nervous and while I'm nervous I tend to snack eat. I remember game 3 when I went through at least half a bag of lays chips on top of my dinner. So in a way, I'm glad I don't have to watch any more Caps games, but only in a small way.

I also went to a pot luck dinner this week and overall have not been dieting like its a stetch run into the end of month. Normally I kick the diet into high gear. So as far as the dieting factor goes, I have been sub par. Another factor into my dieting is my inconsistent grocery shopping. Shopping for healthier food is expensive and I've been busier recently. When I run out of groceries I just kind of eat what's around or eat out. That is not a good idea.

So what has been good you may ask? My exercise plan. Even though I haven't posted as regularly, I have still been staying on top of my plan of lengthening out my runs on the treadmill. Just this past Wednesday I ran for 30 straight minutes, meeting my goal for the end of this week. I was definitely pretty sore by the end and still can't walk withought soreness, but I was very happy with myself. I plan on seeing if I can increase my pace a bit and maybe try to get to 35 minutes as well.

Up Ahead!

As Psychotron mentoned, this Saturday is the weigh-in. I think it will be close as I have not been great with the diet, and I think all the working out has redistributed some of my weight as muscle. Like Joey mentioned, regardless of this month's outcome, I am stoked for the future because the changes I've made are lifestyle changes and will be easy to stick to for the long haul. That is the main goal of the competition, for us to both lead healthier lives. That and have excuses for paties with our friends.

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