Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Psychotron - Daily Diary 15


Calories: 2,054
Activities: big walk

Sundays are always tough days for me. I think I get bored and end up watching a lot of TV/movies, and that sometimes translates into snacking. This time, it wasn't so much snacking as it was a couple of beers and several microwaveable meals. Honestly, the fact that I stayed around two thousand calories is pretty surprising. And I did get a "big walk" in; up and down some hills, totaling about 35-40 minutes. So while it wasn't a very good day, I was able to focus myself enough to get back on track.


Calories: 1,518
Activities: gym

I had to slow my roll right away on Monday. I grabbed a couple of breakfast egg rolls from our cafeteria, and I knew I was headed for a bad day if I didn't nip it in the bud. So I went with just a small cup of Velveeta macaroni and cheese for lunch, a cool 180 calories. Then with a controlled dinner, I had a good day.

I went to the gym after work and did some chest and triceps exercises, but I didn't get nearly as sore as I did the first time around. I did ride the bike for 20 minutes, and came home and played some Rock Band. It wasn't drumming, though; just felt like jamming and belting out some Billy Idol. Hence not logging it as an "activity."


Calories: 1,530
Activities: big walk

I've redone the math on Tuesday's calories a couple times, and it's correct, but I promise you, I felt like I had a terrible day, eating-wise.

The daytime was fine, normal, came home with 480 calories used. Then when I got home, my stomach was feeling a little weird, so I decided to eat. I had cooked some egg whites the night before, so I took them and threw them on a slice of wheat bread with some salt and pepper. By the way, egg whites are pretty unexceptional. Don't know if I'd get them again. Anyways, the eggs didn't sit right, so I tried a potato hot dog bun instead of the bread, and it was okay, but still not great. So I finished it off with another potato hot dog bun with some peanut butter. And after that, my stomach was alright, but I was pretty displeased with how everything had panned out.

Historically, I'd have just let that go as a bad day, but at about 10:30, I said to myself, "Why not go for a walk?" I couldn't think of a good reason not to, so I threw on a jacket and shoes and went for another 40 minute walk. Again, I think it's important for me mentally to find successes in days where I feel like I came up short. Hopefully all this mental hooey ends up reflecting well on Saturday.


Calories: 1,000
Activities: gym, big walk

So I did make a mistake on Wednesday. Remember how I talked about black socks being my arch-nemesis? Well, I bought some new black shoes, and I gave the black socks another try. I went for a walk with Eddie during the workday, but it was a disaster. For whatever reason, the black socks just chafe the shit out of my feet.

Got home from work, caught up with my roommate who just got back into town (and will be leaving again in like 2 days), then headed back to Westat to go to the gym. I did some back and biceps exercises, and I can already feel my arms getting sore, so that's a little more encouraging than Monday's workout. I think my feet were still bothered from earlier, though, because I could only go for about 10 minutes on the bike before they felt like they were on fire.

AND THEN, after I left the gym and got back to my house, after I made myself two of those Velveeta mac n' cheese cups, I thought back to Monday and that walk I took, and how I felt so good afterward, so I decided to go for another walk. This one was even longer; I was out and about for almost an hour, and pushed myself a couple times to get my heart rate up, since I hear that's important. My only concern here is that my feet are definitely sore/chafed, but hopefully wearing white socks tomorrow at work should prevent me from being too uncomfortable to get back to the gym tomorrow night. And the plan tomorrow night is straight cardio work. Try to burn off as much of that water weight as possible before the big weigh-in.

Looking Forward

There are a couple other topics I want to talk about, but for this post, I just want to let everyone know the details on Saturday's gathering. We'll be having a Mexican-themed get-together at my house in Rockville. I don't know exactly what that entails, other than Mexican food and drink. I've got a whiffleball set, Rock Band, and a few decks of cards, so I'm sure we can figure out stuff to do. Plus, I mean, just hanging out is pretty fun.

Email/text me or Nick for the address and/or directions, if you need them (I'm not a fan of posting my address on the internet). Here are the relevant details:

When: Saturday, March 5th, 6:30 PM
Where: My digs, Rockville
What to Bring: Corona, Dos Equis, tequila, chips & salsa, fajitas, whatever else kind of Mexican delicacies you can think of.

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