Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week 11 Goals/Week 10 Update - Gargantuar

Good afternoon everyone! Before we get into this week's coming attractions, I wanted to go over some interesting aspects of last week.
  • I played tennis finally! Sunday, my roommate Colin and I played tennis for about an hour and a half. I'm pretty excited to get out there exercising in a way I truly enjoy.
  • I drank a lot! ...of alcohol! So this one isn't so good. The Saturday before this week (March 12th) I drank a lot more than is good for me. Then both Tuesday and Thursday of this week I had a few drinks. Friday just a couple fireside at my friend's house. And Saturday again a few at a party. This is not helping with the diet. Boo nice weather and Irish-American holidays.
  • I drank a lot! ...of water! I do a good job of drinking water at work...hold on...I need to refill my cup...OK I'm back. But I am trying to keep that gooing on the weekends. I did a good job this weekend of being mindful of how much water I was drinking.
  • I burned a lot of Calories! Four days last week I was able to meet my goal and burn 500 Calories plus. I walked a lot, I walgged a lot and as of Sunday, I played tennis. I also still came close to 500 Calories (365, 375) a couple other days just by walking.
  • I weighed myself! On Friday night I weighed myself at my friend's house. A couple of things to consider here. I was on a scale I hadn't used before so I don't know how close it is to the "official Psychotron VS Gargantuar scale." I had just eaten a MONSTER dinner of spaghetti with lean ground beef in the sauce (delicious by the way). I had just drank a beer and I had just eaten some chips and salsa. I weighed in at 280.2lbs. Not the greatest start to the month but there is a +/- here of a few lbs, so it could be pretty good, or pretty bad.

So that is my update on how last week went. Obviously I think I drank too much last week and hope to cut back on that. I had that bad Burger King day previously mentioned before. If I can get back to not drinking so much and of course no more fast food, I should be ok and think I can still hit my monthly goal. I don't think I will makeit back to Rockville before the weigh-in April 2nd, so I don't think I can give a good weight update before the weigh-in.

Week 11 Diet Goal - No Alcohol for One Week

Heavens to betsy no! Yes I said it. No alcohol at all this week. It's not really that hard. It just means being a designated driver if I go out, so anyone in the area now knows who to call if you are plastered. I'll throw in no fast food as weel, although that should be a given. P.S. I don't consider Chipotle fast food. Yummy!

Week 11 Excercise goal - Burn 500 Calories 6 days this week

I don't know if you noticed but I was awfully close to completing this goal last week. If i worked a bit harder two days it would have been easily accomplished. I started it off right. Monday I played tennis again with Colin for over an hour. That's like at least 600 Calories right there (since I'm fat) plus I walked at work for 30 minutes. I'll keep you all posted.


  1. Here's a chart for calories burned while walking, though I assume you've already got one somewhere:

    I also used this calculator to determine my BMR (basal metabolic rate):

    Apparently I burn 3,337 calories a day just by existing. I told you guys, it's hard work just being me! :)

  2. under 3 lbs in over 2 weeks. Come on Nick. You did so well in the first month and have gone down every month since and are content with settling for this. Where's the same enthusiasm for losing weight? Your fan club wants to see you under 267 by weigh-in time. No more excuses. Stop justifying it after the fact. Lose weight, have fun, bang lots of chicks. It can be done. Consider this your pep talk.

  3. Whoever it is (and I think we're all pretty sure it's Mike Spagnola), he's got the right idea, for both of us. I weighed in this morning at 309.2, which is a nice five pound loss from the previous weigh-in, but actually up a pound and a half from last weekend.

    If we want to get that extra clothing money, we need to get jacked. You start taking meth, I'll start on coke, and we'll see who comes out on top. Race to the finish!
