Sunday, May 29, 2011

Psychotron - Daily Diary 36


Calories: 2,140
Rock Band singing/guitaring: 80 minutes
Walking: 40 minutes

I must have waited too long to write this up, because I have no memory of Tuesday. Just none, at all.


Calories: 1,900
Walking: 50 minutes

A classic good day. I took some time to cook up a nice dinner for myself, and I definitely saved some calories with newly purchased Fudgsicles (only 40 calories apiece!).


Calories: 2,391
Rock Band singing/guitaring: 160 minutes


Calories: 2,427
Rock Band drumming: 140 minutes

A bit of a Rock Band marathon session between Thursday and Friday. I still don't know how much value I can assign to the Rock Band activities, outside of working up a sweat. But it's something. Better than nothing.

Going Dark

I've decided that for the final week of this month, I'm not going to tell you folks anything about my eating or exercise habits. Part of it is to keep Nick in the dark about how I'm doing, a little bit of gamesmanship if you will.

The other part is that I'd like to see how I react to a lack of public accountability. I'll still write down the numbers for myself, and I have the same 2,400 calorie goal as I've always had. I'm just not going to tell anybody whether I reached it or not. Should be interesting.

Good luck this week, Nikolai.

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