Thursday, June 16, 2011

JigglyPuff Week 2

I was going to wait for the end of the weekend to do my next post but it looks to be a pretty full weekend. I did not want to take the chance that I forget what I ate and give false information. Could I write it down... sure, But I'm not going to.


Calories: 1,200 calories
Walking: None

I was pretty good on Monday. Rachel made some salsa chicken that was real cal and low fat. I also was able to avoid any real snacking over the night. I had a beer with dinner but even with that a real low intake day.


Calories: 1,600 calories
Walking: 20 min run 45 min Walk

I stepped up my calories and eating but I also made the effort to be more active. I went for a pretty quick jog around my neighborhood. It wasn't anything crazy but it was nice to do something a little tougher then walking. I followed up the jog with a nice long walk while talking Gargantuar. I went a little heavy with a double meat extra cheese potbelly sandwich but I skipped any sides and was good every other meal so it worked out.


Calories: 1,580 calories
Walking: Softball

Rachel was sick so I was on my own for meals. I ended up eating chips and salsa for lunch. The salsa was ghost pepper salsa which if you don't know is butt spicy. Pretty tasty though. I also split a CPK freezer pizza with Rachel before softball. It was a pretty long night of softball (2.5 hours) but I really only played catcher and ran bases so I'm not sure how much exercise I got. I did notice a little more spring in my step and speed when running though. I feel like David Ortiz last week where as now I'm a Youkilis so nothing crazy.


Calories: 650 calories
Walking: None

This is obviously being written in the middle of the day. So far so good. Was pretty good for first two meals.

Looking Forward

I figure both Friday and Saturday night I will be pretty loose with my calories. I hope to get some running in before each to limit the damage but overall feeling good. Oh and Chip I was at 183 when I weighed in two Sundays ago. It was after a pretty much horrible weekend so I was probably just around 180 but still a lot more then I want.

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