Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Month One Review/Month Two Preview

Well I got some good news Sunday with the results. It really validates all the work and sacrifice that I've gone through the last month. At the same time, I'm keeping everything in perspective.

  1. 309.8 was the heaviest I'd ever been. When I used to diet I was starting at 285 or 280. There is still a long way to go.

  2. This is month one. The first month is usually the easiest as there is a lot of water weight to lose and your body is not used to the changes in your lifestyle.

  3. Psychotron didn't even exercise this last month. Plus after losing the first month. He will probably be looking to redeem himself.

4. The competition is % lost since the last weigh-in. So what happened last month is nulled.

For these reasons, I can not become complacent. If I do I will lose month two and more importantly, stop losing weight. Let's take a look at my month one raw data

Total Calories: 49971
Number of Days: 29
Average Daily Calories: 1723
Starting Weight: 309.8
Ending Weight: 289.6
Change in Weight: 20.2lbs.
Change in Weight (%): 6.52

All in all a pretty great start. On top of those numbers I went to the gym 7 times and walked at work approximately 12 of 18 days I was at work. Of course I always have some opportunities to improve. I can go to the gym more consistently. Keep searching for different healthy food ideas to keep the diet from going stale. Also, once the weather is a bit warmer, I will make sure to play tennis once a week. I have been playing tennis ever since I was a little kid, and there are courts nearby which will make it easier to commit to.

I am still battling being sick. I've only once went to work since last Wednesday and because of being sick, I'm not having any weekly goals. My goal is to get healthy again so I can be more active.

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