Thursday, February 17, 2011

Psychotron - Daily Diary 11

Diary #11 is going to be one we look back on as kind of a turning point (I hope). That's not to say I had any "bad" days, but I didn't have any "good" ones either. Most importantly, the 16th marks the final day before I started going to the gym. So let's see how an era ends.


Calories: 2,424
Activities: basketball

Shot hoops with Eddie after work, then I went up to my mom's house for a Valentine's Day dinner and a couple cupcakes. Allegedly low-fat cupcakes, but I counted them as regular cupcakes on the calorie count. Could've gone better, could've gone worse.


Calories: 1,870
Activities: walking

You guys remember those Wow chips? The ones with Olestra that had zero fat and minimal calories? Well, I bought a sleeve of Pringles made with Olestra, and I gotta tell you, they're not bad. It's 70 calories for 15 crisps, 6 servings per canister. So even if you go bonkers and eat the whole thing, it's only 420 calories. Not great, but not a day-breaker like eating even 1/4 of a bloomin' onion would be.


Calories: 2,283
Activities: walking

I learned a valuable piece of information on Wednesday: my black socks really do a number on my feet when I walk while wearing them. I don't work in a position where I need to wear black socks, but I've got a pair of black pants that mandate black shoes, and I feel ridiculous wearing white socks with black shoes. So the resolution is to either not take a walk on days when I wear black socks, or to retire my black pants altogether. I think I'll go with the former, and use BPD (black pants day) as a way to work in some days off from walking.

As I said, today was my first day going to the Westat fitness center, and I look forward to telling you how it our next Daily Diary.



  1. I have a pair of black cotton socks that are just like white socks, but they're black. Pretty amazing stuff. Maybe invest in a pair?

  2. Theoretically that's what I have as well, but in action, they come up short.
