Monday, February 7, 2011

Psychotron - Daily Diary 8 (Super Bowl / First Weigh-in)

If you're reading this, you already know. We're a month in, and I'm almost a month behind. That's not to say January wasn't a success for me; the numbers say it was. But they also say that Gargantuar kicked my ever-lovin' ass.

It's kind of strange. Coming into the weigh-in, I didn't expect to win. I had said for a while that Nick would probably take down the first month, because I didn't exercise hardly at all. And secretly, to maybe one or two people, I confided that I actually hoped Nick would win the first month, to keep me motivated, and give him some positive reinforcement.

But when the numbers were all tallied, and he had come out overwhelmingly victorious, I have to say I was bummed. Second place out of two isn't exactly the kind of ranking you're looking for when you compete. Even not expecting to win, you still want to win. And it didn't help that I got blown out of the water.

First, here's some raw data from my first month:

Total calories: 62,016
Total days: 29
Average calories per day: 2,138
Starting weight: 346.6 lbs.
Ending weight: 332.2 lbs.
Change in weight: 14.4 lbs.
Change in weight (%): 4.15%

So I'm looking at my February, and I'm trying to make some plans to determine how I can prevent a repeat in Phase 2. Here are the changes/tweaks/new ideas I'm going to try to implement so I can get this competition back to even:
  1. Salads - I had a lot of non-salad lunches, and whenever I had a salad for dinner, it was usually accompanied by something else. I'd like to work on getting more salads for lunch, and maybe integrating the concept of the "big salad" into my dinners, so I don't feel like I have to partner it with a sandwich or a Lean Cuisine.
  2. South Beach / fruits and vegetables - Along the same lines as the salad, I want to work in more meals that include only proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Also, as I said in the past, pineapple was a rousing success, and I'd like to work more fruits and vegetables into my diet.
  3. Spend more time cooking - This change might not make too much of a difference as far as actual weight-loss numbers at first, but I'd like to convince myself to spend some more time putting together food. In the long run, being willing to take 45-60 minutes out of my day to prepare food will open up new options for cooking that should allow me to squeeze out some calories.
As I mentioned, I spent virtually zero time exercising this past month. I did some walking around in Disney World (since not walking isn't really an option), but other than that, I was almost completely sedentary. The weather is still a little cold for most outdoor activities, but I know I can get more activity. The first focus will be on resuming a grueling Rock Band schedule. It may not be a rowing machine, but drumming in Rock Band gets my blood pumping.

I've also got to fill out some form to apply for my work's fitness center. At least half of the reason I got that physical done two weeks ago was to get doctor approval for exercise, but I keep forgetting to get my paperwork in. Gotta remember to do that. If you talk to me while I'm at work, try to remind me to get that set up.


Calories: 2,384

So, after the weigh-in and subsequent loss, I buried my sorrow in alcohol. Back on the train today, though. I've got a date with the Blackhawks that I don't intend to miss. Of course, if this upcoming weekend ends up including anything I may have agreed to last night (like a trip to Atlantic City??), my resolve will be tested right away.


  1. Don't get down on yourself, get pissed because losing sucks and then turn around and kick my ass. Well...TRY to kick my ass. You were right, the positive reinforcment worked. But you have to feel good that there is a noticeable and significant percentage drop. I mean, it's only been ONE month.

  2. Number 5: Come to Eddie and Rachel's for dinner. I really am a good cook :) healthy stuff too!

  3. It's a deal. :)

    Also, I don't know if Eddie told you, but I want to have a Mexican night sometime soon. We can talk about it next time we see each other!
