Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week 6 Update - Gargantuar

Before we proceed with the Week 6 Update, can I just say how disappointed I am with the poll voting so far? You guys realize there is no Vegas point spread right? Where are my legions of supporters? Well, when I crush Psychotron on March 5th (unofficial date of the next weigh-in) all of those who turned their backs on me will be laughed at. Heartily. If you guys wanted a villain, you have one now in Gargantuar (aka Lebron James). Now, on to the good stuff.....

UPDATE: Wow what a difference a little complaining makes. Now I have 7 votes up from 2. I feel a bit of pressure...

This is me at the gym (or "Gime" as Homer would pronouce it) last night. I stepped it up a notch and actually ran for half the time on the tread mill. It was a bit painful, but I felt good afterward, and was proud of this small accomplishment. Just pushing myself a little bit each week will add up.

I Don't know if you remember my post talking about the arc trainer but its basically a more in depth eliptical, and was very hard for me the first time I tried it. Well I was able to run on it for 10 minutes last night after the treadmill, which I was also proud of. I started off a bit slow but then turned it on a bit. My legs were definitely killing me after that to the point I almost fell down the stairs. I also did some lifting, 5 machines working on my back, shoulders and stomach. All-in-all a pretty good work out.

This was the first time I went to the "gime" this week but I have plans to go Friday morning. As far as walking at work, both Monday and Wednesday were walking days, and today I will be walking with a co-worker. Since it is finally nice out she decided to join me.

My diet goal of cooking dinner (or having cooked for me) 5 nights this week has been going well. Monday I had my Valentine's Day Mandate which I went out for dinner. I had flat iron steak with potatoes. It was delicious. I also split desert with Patrick and it was amazingly good. Even though deserts are not "good" for you, at least splitting them with someone proportions it out a bit. The old Nick would have eaten the whole thing, plus would have had an appetizer and 2 or 3 beers. That's a lot of cutting out for a splurge day and I still felt very satisfied.

Both Tuesday and Wednesday I cooked for myself at home. Simple things like whole grain spaghetti with chicken, nothing fancy. I'm still waiting for someone to offer me a nice healthy home cooked dinner....any takers? Fine, just another reason for me to take my talents elsewhere. I hear South Beach is nice this time of year.

1 comment:

  1. Woah!!! Sounds like you are doing really well :) Keep up the good work....Karoline
