Monday, February 28, 2011

Month 2 Weigh-in Week Goals - Gargantuar

Ok. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little nervous about this weigh-in. And while I've done pretty well this month mostly, it sounds like Psychotron has really turned it on. He's been going to the gym, his diet totals have been much better, and he has been walking a lot more. I may have to cut off my other arm to win this month. And, trust me, I would still be awesome without both my arms. Have you ever seen the movie "The Crippled Masters"?

Last Week's Goal - Asleep by 1130pm Mon-Thurs

Well I was very proud of myself for accomplishing this goal. I felt better most of the week and went walking every day at work as well. I did have some let downs last week. I only went to the gym once, and I had some bingey eating days. I know it's going to happen sometimes but it feels like it was just me being lazy and that's not a good feeling.

Month 2 Weigh-in Week Diet Goal - Stay at 1500 calories or less Mon-Friday

Saturday is the big weigh-in. Along with that comes a party at my competitor's house with Margaritas, chips and salsa, and maye some tacos or fajitas. I imagine I will be over 1500 calories that day. But I really want to make up some ground I think I lost last week. I have a good plan to stick under my goal. Most days are actually pretty easy to stay under 1500, if you aren't out drinking or out to dinner. So that's my plan. No drinking or going out to dinner till Saturday. Pretty straight forward and hopefully, will get me all caught up.

Month 2 Weigh-in Week Exercise Goal - Gym, Gym,

They say plagarism is the best form of flattery, so thanks Joe. Yes "gym, gym, gym" means my goal is to get to the gym three times this week. Also, my roommate and I are just dying for a nice weather day to play some tennis. It's such a good way to get exercise and have some fun. If it's not raining and the temp is close to 50, I think I will pester Colin to play tennis with me as much as possible.

So that's it. That is the game plan to try to win month two. Honestly, I don't have to win month two to feel good about myself and where I'm at. I know I'm not going to see a 20lb weight loss month again. But as long as the numbers continue to go downward, and I keep feeling better, I'll be happy......Who am I kidding, I'm too competitive for that mindframe. Bring on the Capitals vs Blackhawks tickets!!! And if you help Joey fatten up, I'll bring you with me ;)

1 comment:

  1. Want to know the real way to victory. Laxatives. Diuretics. Fad diets. Throw in some binge and purging and guaranteed victory.
