Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Exercise Goal Update - Gargantuar

I just wanted to give a quick update since last week's exerise goal carried into this week. Monday I went to the gym as planned. My goal was to run for 15 minutes without stopping to walk. I can say that at about the 7 minute mark I was thinking this is going to be tough. It's weird because in your head you just think, wow, its going to keep getting harder and harder. But the difficulty kind of plateaus and Iwas able to complete my goal feeling good.

I'm going to keep on running and walking during the week and try to hit 20 minutes straight on Saturday or Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. i totally agree about the running's like once you get over the initial hump of "jesus i hate this so much," you can just sort of zone out and become a bobbing head. i went for my first run today since i broke my foot! solidarity.
    -lisa close
