Thursday, March 3, 2011

Month 2 Weigh-in Week Update - Gargantuar

Saturday's weigh-in is getting closer and closer. I'm pretty excited yet nervous so I'm trying to work extra hard to make this week count. Even if I don't win, I still want to have a good showing to motivate myself to keep pushing for the other four months.

A co-worker of mine told me about this site Sparkpeople where you track your nutrition, weight, fitness and other goals you may have. I've seen sites like this one before but so far, this is the best one I've seen. There is a large community of people to talk with, message boards, articles and over 200,000 user submitted recipes to check out. Just something to look at if anyone wants to check it out. You can tell them Elsuav1 refered you. On to the update!!!!

Month Two Weigh-In Week Diet Goal - 1500 Calories per day or under Mon - Fri

So far so good. I made a mixed vegtables with rice dish for dinner Monday. Tuesday it was whole grain spaghetti with ground up boca burgers, and wednesday was a chicken salad sandwich. My breakfasts and lunches are never usually a problem and this week is no different. I've been eating raisins and oranges for snacks so not much of a problem there. Each day so far has been between 1100 - 1400 Calories. Today I'm having Subway for lunch but that will only be like 400 Calories.

Month Two Weigh-In Week Exercise Goal - Gym, Gym, Gym....Tennis???

As far as tennis goes, it has been too cold/windy/rainy to play yet this week, but as soon as it isn't I will be playing. I went to the gym on Tuesday and had a pretty good session. Dan and I lifted legs and then I was on a treadmill running/walking for 30 minutes, about 12 min of which was actual running. I completed a little over 2 miles, so about an average of 4mph. When I walk it's 3mph-3.5mph, and jogging is 5mph. I'm goiong back tonight with Dan so I expect at least the same quality workout if not better. I have also been walking every work day at lunch for 20-25 minutes, just to get a little extra activity in my day.

Looking ahead

Saturday I have my niece's 2nd birthday party which will be fun, and then the weigh-in and party. That night should be a blast. Win or lose, you will see me doing tequila shots and dancing like crazy. Also, there should definitely be Kanjam. The greatest game ever invented. I hope to see a nice turnout for the weigh-in!

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