I have gone back and forth on what to offer for month 3. (This is why its taken so long for this post... not slacking on the job.... Screw you guys I don't get paid for this) After reading both Joe and Nick's first week blog posts I've decided its time to put a little more jump in their step. Both have set out ambitious goals for the month so I think its my job to give them every incentive to do that. As a result this month's prize will be larger than in the past. The prize for winning this month's weigh in will be two baseball tickets totaling 110$. I will coordinate with the winner on tickets after the weigh in. In addition to this if Nick and or Joey meet their goal of:
Joey under 300
Nick over 40 lbs total lost
They will receive 50$ gift card for clothes. (Kohls, JcPenny, etc)
The plan as of now it to have the weigh in April 2nd at my house. This will mark the halfway mark for the competition and it also happens to be my birthday so I'll probably make a ton of food, drinks etc. So keep the date open.
Good luck you crazy SOBs...
Sounds like an awesome prize. I'll be fighting tooth and nail for this. And to meet my goal would be awesome.