So I don't know how to qualify some of my meals. I usually eat some type of fruit (Monday it was grapes) and then a packet of oatmeal for breakfast, but I always spread it out over like two hours. I don't know if that counts as two snacks or just one "meal." For my purpose, I'm going to call it a meal and if I ever eat something more substantial for breakfast and then fruit, the latter will be a snack. So Monday I had three meals and two snacks throughout the day, totaling 1150 Calories. This is where that third 100-200 calorie snack would have put me at just the right amount of calories for my taste.
This is my early week for work when I get off at 4pm and I started it off right. I got home after getting some much needed groceries, and quickly changed into work out clothes. It was so nice out I decided to walk to Patterson Park where, thank God, I didn't get stabbed. Once there I began walgging (walk/jogging - Once it becomes more jogging than walking it will become wogging). It felt great to get out there and actually see people out and about just enjoying the nice weather. Living in the city is so much more fun once the weather is nice. All total I was out for 45 minutes and totaled with my lunch time walk I burned approx 655 Calories.
I got a lot of sleep Monday night, so I was feeling pretty energized on Tuesday morning. I had the same breakfast as Monday and ate great throughout the work day. I also took my usual lunchtime walk which was nice. I had Chipotle for dinner at the one that just opened up near my house but I have found a low calorie item. Just a fajita burrito bowl with chicken tomatoes and lettuce. Still tasty for only 365 calories. All totaling 1180 at this point.
I then went out to see my friend Joe play guitar and sing at "The Horse You Came in On" in Fells Point. I decided to have two beers as it had been a low calorie day. I had a good time, hung out a bit after the show, and then drove home. On the way home, I impulsively stopped at a Burger King and bought a Tendercrisp chicken sandwich. Yes fans, I'm as disappointed in myself as you are. This broke about 15 of my rules, mainly just eating late (it was 1030pm) and eating fast food. The worst part is that now, at 530am on Wednesday, I feel like poop. It totally was not worth it. I have now vowed to "Remember The Burger King." Instead of having a fine calorie day of 1435, I ended up at 2235 and still feel like crap for hours and hours later. Remember The Burger King.......

It is amazing how different you feel after eating fast food now. Your body just doesn't feel right after eating it. It is good going down but.... Just remeber this feeling the next time you want one.