Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Psychotron - Daily Diary 19

I don't know how to explain it, or what the reason is, but I've felt off my game all week. Like, the numbers look alright, and I've made it to the gym twice, but my head just doesn't feel like it's on straight. It's probably nothing, just standard Joe-ness...


Calories: 1,656
Activities: gym

I've found I tend to do really well on Mondays. I think part of it is my constant failures on Sundays. I think another part is that I just do better when I'm at work, not sitting around the house. Monday's always the first day back at work, so it always seems to be the best. Either way, another good Monday on the board.


Calories: 1,906
Activities: none

Pretty nondescript day. Went to work, came home, watched the Caps game, went to bed.


Calories: 1,710
Activities: gym, big walk

Had a good day at the gym, I'm looking forward to being pretty sore tomorrow. Not too sore though, hopefully; St. Patrick's Day is no time to be run down. Speaking of which, with the likelihood of some good drinking going down tomorrow night, I have to remember to be particularly responsible during the day. Hopefully tomorrow's lunch entree will be something lean and delicious.

My brother and I also went for a pretty long walk at a pretty good clip. I didn't check my watch (also I don't own a watch), but based on the limited information I have, I'd venture to say it was about 2 miles of walking, with plenty of hills incorporated. Good good.

Looking Forward

I'm expecting tomorrow to not be a great fit as far as hitting the gym, but Friday might work out just fine. I'll keep you guys in the loop. And of course, I'll come clean on whatever madness I get into on Thursday As far as vandalism and sexual harassment, you'll have to just use your imagination.

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