Thursday, March 24, 2011

Week 11 Update - Gargantuar

I feel pretty good after thie first few days of the week. Including Sunday, I played tennis with Colin three straight days after work, each for over an hour. Singles tennis is definitely a great way to get exercise and we both can see our old forms coming back to us. Monday we made a chicken and fresh veggie stir fry (a little oil, mostly water). I ate that for dinner both Monday and Tuesday nights. Yesterday I was feeling pretty sore and the weather was poopy, so I took a break from exercise. For dinner I made pasta with a ground turkey spaghetti sauce. I don't know what it is, but I think I actually prefer ground turkey to ground beef, at least in my pastas.

Weekly Goals Update - Burn 500+ Calories 6 days / No Alcohol!

So with taking Wednesday off, I have burned 500+ Calories 2 out of 3 days. I am feeling much better today so I think I'll be able to hit the 500 Calorie mark again. I haven't been drinking any alcohol at all, but we all know the weekends are the biggest problem there. I do have some tentative weekend plans that involve going out, but I can always not drink and have a good time. I'm naturally drunk anyways.

Going Forward

I think going forward I might try to stick to a three days on one day off program as far as cardio goes. Although it will likely depend on the weather and my work schedule. I'm really trying to buckle down these last two weeks before the weigh-in. It stinks to lose and even more so because there are some awesome prizes on the line. I hope everyone can come out to the April 2nd Weigh-in/Battle Marshal Eddie's Birthday Party. It's an afternoon grill out and beer fest. Should be good times.

1 comment:

  1. Ten days out but says 65 and sunny for weigh in.
