Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day One - Gargantuar


That is the most I've ever weighed in my life. The first time I've ever measured my weight and it was over 300lbs. Kind of an enlightening experience, and makes me glad we are starting this competition now. I can only hope that after this competition is done I will never see 300 again. Seriously what a horrible movie. J/K that movie was great and I was talking about my weight.

Well the Tron told you all about his plan for the competition so it's time for me to share mine.

Obviously the main goal here is to lose a lot of weight. More than Joe Psycho. Every month. It's all in how you go about accomplishing that goal. I have decided that I will set a weekly diet goal and a weekly exercise goal each week. I have started out smallish and will work my way up to larger more awesome goals.

Week 1
Diet Goal - I will bring my lunch to work everyday. No eating out. Simple. Effective. It is so hard to calculate exactly what you have been taking into your body if you yourself have not prepared it or "lean cuisined" it. A side benefit of this will be saving money, which we all would like to do.

Exercise goal - I will walk during my lunch break everyday. At my work I am an hourly employee. We have to take an hour long break everyday. If I am bringing my lunches, that gives me plenty of time to go walking around for some easy and non "personal" time consuming exercise.

As you can see these goals are simple, good places to start and are set for everyday.
Some of my weekly goals will be "three times a week" or one big thing at the end of the week. I know I have a "one big thing" coming up in June...details for a later date.

Of course I will still be watching calories for my other meals and will be exercising other than at lunch, but these are two goals that I am specifically aiming for. I will update you guys on my accomplishment status as well as any other interesting tidbits along the way.

What do you guys think of our plans? Any predictions on who will be triumphant? Who here finds Psychotron very arousing? We would love for your thought on anything regarding this competition in the comments section.

1 comment:

  1. Hey man, likewise on the "biggest I've ever been" front, which I think makes this a good time for us to kick our own asses into gear. I should definitely try to take some walks at work as well. It would have the side bonus of letting me get away from my desk, which sometimes feels like it's sucking the life out of me.

    Prediction: Psychotron and Gargantuar lose the same raw amount of weight at each weigh in, but because he started at a lower number, Gargantuar wins every time, for losing a greater percentage of his starting weight. Psychotron smashes Gargantuar over the head with a steel chair, and the Intercontinental Title match begins.
