Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Psychotron - Daily Diary 4

So we're back to the regular, everyday grind of dieting. I made a trip to the grocery store and bought some good stuff going forward. Among other things, I bought some make-your-own salads, some frozen Lean Cuisine meals, lunchmeat, sandwich thins (basically half-size rolls, 100 calories per roll), and granola bars. They're 100 calories apiece, and they give me something sweet to start or end my day on.

My first physical in like a decade is tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM. I'm not ashamed to say that I'm a little bit nervous; I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll discover three noteworthy problems with my body (not weight...that one I know about). I expect to be told to cut the salt, eat more fruits, and ____. The blank is the scary one, obviously, but maybe it'll be something like, "have more sex." How's that for a pickup line? "Hey babe. My doctor says I need to be more sexually active. Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?"

Daily diary GO!


Calories: 2,565

So here's what happened. I had framed things pretty well by dinner time. I had a slice of pizza for lunch (500 calories), and some wings and a salad from Hard Times Cafe for dinner (total of 1169 calories). I was all set for a quiet night at the PC when Joey G invited me to Dave and Buster's. Four glasses of brandy later, I stumbled back into my house. The only solace I can take is that it's possible I burned a few extra calories protecting Rachel from dinosaurs on The Lost World. Being a hero is hard work.


Calories: 1,770

I don't know if it was that I was still full from Friday night, or if the guilt of a night of caloric debauchery drove me to it, but I managed to drop my intake by almost thirty percent. I've found Saturdays to actually be pretty workable when it comes to dieting. There's something beautiful and satisfying about not having work the next day. I think it lets you keep your personal focus.


Calories: 2,482

Of course, that also means that after two days off, looking at the calendar and seeing that the next day is a work day can do some damage to your plans. The biggest hunk of calories on Sunday was a mixed drink I made, with 1/3 creme de menthe and 2/3 Bailey's. I don't know if the 622 calories were actually worth it (the same amount of whiskey is only about 400 calories), but it was definitely good.


Calories: 1,837

I had a plan come together over the weekend. I did some math and figured out that I could have a good-sized dinner of spaghetti and meatballs for about 1,000 calories. I kept this in mind all day, and had just 500 calories between breakfast and lunch. That meant that I could have my big dinner with room to spare. I used a little bit of that room on a small glass of brandy. Overall, a very satisfying day.


Calories: 1,776

I looked at today's plan basically the same as the yesterday's. I had an equal amount of leftovers from Monday's spaghetti and meatballs showdown, so I tried to keep it light during the day. Additionally, with my physical tomorrow morning, I have to fast starting at, well, now. So I'm done for the day as far as calories go. Also, 1776 is a pretty neat number to stop on. :)


I've been reading over my food log, and the thing that strikes me most is the lack of fruits in it. I've always been wary of fruits, though, because I know they've got some sugars, which translates to calories. Anybody have any suggestions on good, low-calorie fruits I can try to integrate? Please don't say grapefruit; that stuff is gross.

Also, for those of you unaware, the first weigh-in will be February 6th. That's right, Super Bowl Sunday. What better day for a milestone in this epic confrontation?


  1. you should never count fruits or vegetables as 'calories.' stuff like that is free in almost any diet and if you told your doctor that you gorge yourself on fruits and vegetables everyday, im sure he/she would have nothing negative to say about it. the thing about fruits and veggies is that they provide a lot of other good stuff besides the calories. vitamins and minerals being some of those good things.

  2. I hear what you're saying, but the reality is that fruits do have calories. If I weren't basing my diet on calories, then I could see viewing fruits as "free." But with the diet's whole basis being limiting my calorie intake, not counting calories for fruits/vegetables would be like not counting walks in WHIP. It's part of the stat; you have to count it.

  3. Really? You pull WHIP out as your stat? The craziest most hairbrained stat of them all? I hope I crush you.

  4. If you want to integrate more fruits and vegetables, you could make less of the intended entree, like only three-fourths of it. Then use fruits and vegetables to make the meal more voluminous. With the spaghetti, you could cut back on the noodles and add more vegetables and tomatoes to the sauce.

    For example, the serving size of cereal is generally 3/4 cup, so I add a ton of blueberries or bananas to it to make it more filling and just more.

    But if you don't want to do that: cherries, apricots, plums, strawberries, watermelon, & grapes.

  5. Umm, WHIP is the best common indicator of pitching effectiveness. And good luck. You're gonna need it. :)

    That's a good idea on the veggie/fruit dealy, Shannon. I pretty much don't eat cereal right now, because I think that's one of the foods that used to get me in trouble. I would have like four bowls of cereal before school in high school; it was a bloodbath. But the sauce thing with pasta is a masterstroke! BOOM!

  6. Anything with really high water content, watermelon, cantaloupe, melon. You can eat a bunch with very little calories, and because of the high water content it helps fill you up more :)
