Sunday, January 30, 2011

Psychotron - Daily Diary 5

In case you forgot who Psychotron is:


So we're a week out from the first weigh-in, and finally, for the first time since we started this whole thing, I don't feel like I have a cold. You might not think that's a huge deal, but I've gotten hardly any exercise over the first three weeks of this competition. While that doesn't help me for this first weigh-in, it gives me a great reason to remain motivated going forward. Any weight loss so far (and I'm sure there's been some) has been without the benefit of exercise. So once I add in some running around, I should hopefully be able to make new strides.

My first physical in a long time was on Wednesday morning, and I don't mind saying I was a little bit nervous about it. The procedure went fine, which I guess is to say that the doctor didn't find any lumps, and I didn't cry when she drew blood.

The really scary part was the lab work. I've always seen lab work as this mysterious way to discover everything that's wrong with you. You could feel fine, and you get some lab work done, and BOOM, you've got diabetes. Also, the lab work doesn't come back for a couple days, so you're left to your own devices, left to wonder if Friday is gonna be the end of an era, and the beginning of a much worse era.

The lab results were scheduled to be ready on Friday, but I elected to wait a day to check them. My doctor's office uses a voicemail login system to deliver lab results over the phone, which is kind of nice. Basically you get to choose when you get the news. Anyways, I went up to Joey G's house on Friday night, watched the NHL draft (go here to see what my brother and I wrote up about it), played Dominion (a card game), and had some brandy, wondering to myself if my life would change the next day.

Well, I've listened to the message.

And...we're good. Better, in fact, than I had expected. Every single number my doctor gave me was followed by something along the lines of, "That's very good, you want to be below (insert number noticeably higher than the number she said)." Honestly, I was shocked. There was literally nothing from my lab work that prompted any change in my current lifestyle. I mean, obviously I'm trying to lose weight and get healthier, and a lack of medical prompting won't dissuade me from that, but it's a pretty big relief to not have something looming overhead.

On to the daily diary.


Calories: 2,612

This is one of the kinds of things Anthony was talking about when he said it's important to post your results, even if you don't meet your goals. While it's tough to not look at that number and see it as a failure (even though it kind of is), it's good to have it posted here for me to look at and say, "Alright, gotta do better today." And I aimed to do better.


Calories: 1,817

And...better. And actually, I had a lot of food on Thursday. Salads are pretty much a lock for having a good day, unless you butcher the salad with french fries like those lunatics in western Pennsylvania. I had a salad for lunch, and another as part of my dinner. What's even better is that they were both pretty good. Croutons are worth every calorie.


Calories: 1,850

Not much to say about Friday. Had breakfast, had lunch, had dinner, had a couple drinks up at Joey G's.

This is where this diary will break. I've got some of the information for Saturday, but I have to look up one item to get the calorie count, and go over the day again in my head. The reason, of course, is that I went on a last-second trip to Atlantic City. So we've got some cleanup to do. But, at first glance, it looks like I actually did alright. Shocking.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Joe. I'm glad to hear the good news from the doctor. Thanks for the mention as well; I hope your posting continues to be regular and continues to affect you.

    It's interesting that self-monitoring can be an intervention itself by the nature of increasing awareness. Want to drink fewer sodas? Start tracking how many you drink. Want to increase flossing? Start a graph to show how often it occurs. Behavior tends to change. Adding a goal, or a changing criterion as we call it, allows a built-in adjustable goal that scales as your progress, furthering your behavior change.

    Keep up the great work!
