Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Vegas Recap/Week 3 Goals - Gargantuar

This is how I feel after 4 and a half days in Las Vegas, Nevada. Let's just say me and "Mr. Jameson" are not on speaking terms for a while. I did have a lot of fun, won some money, drank quite a bit and ate lots of delicious food but lets see how the diet and exercise goals came along.

Diet Goal - No eating after 10pm

I am surprised to say that I never did eat after 10 pm the whole trip. Sometimes that meant eating dinner at 9pm or sometimes that just meant I was too busy drinking and gambling to think about eating. The Tron and spoke briefly about this last night. I never really noticed how much I ate out of boredom or just because it was there. Keeping yourself occupied/not having the food around keeps you from eating when you shouldn't. But when I did eat in Vegas, it was almost always not healthy. Big steak dinners, greasy breakfasts, and other such foods. This plus the almost constant alcohol drinking while awake caused my overall calorie count to skyrocket. Hey, it's Vegas baby.

Exercise Goal - Go to the Gym 3 times this week

So as you may recall, I went to the gym the Tuesday before I left. It was awesome and really felt great to be there and I felt great afterwards. I got to my hotel on Thursday and immediately scoped out where the gym was so I could make my way there Friday morning. As I unpacked I realized I had forgeotten my gym shoes in my car at home. I knew they were in there and was supposed to grab them on the way out the door. I did end up goig to the gym Saturday morning and just wore my brown shoes. I walked on the treadmill for about 20 minutes before I decided to call it quits.

One good thing about staying on the Strip in Vegas is everything is so close. My dad and I decided that if it was within a mile of our hotel on the strip, we would walk there. So when we went out to eat or check out a bar or hotel, we walked there and back. It wasn't the brisk walking I do for exercise, but it still was something that I felt good about.

Week 3 Diet Goal - Get back on track

Like Psychotron and his "Do More" goal, I myself can be vague about my goals. Really what I'm trying to this week is get back in my pre-Vegas routine. This is the time in a diet plan that can easily get derailed. I had a fun five days and it was great, but it's time to get back in the mindset of dieting and maintaining my smaller, spread out meals mentality. Before Vegas, my average per day calorie intake was around 1550 calories per day. I was eating well and not feeling hungry in between meals. It's time to get back to business.

Week 3 Exercise Goal - Do More.

Ok, so this one is a tribute (ripoff) from The Psycho one himself. But for me this means keep pushing myself in the gym. Making sure I'm trying to jog more than walk, or longer distances, or more weight when I lift. When I lift again next week if I can do a little more weight, or jog half the time I am on the treadmill I will feel like I am "Doing More."

So that is the latest from me. The first weigh in will be in two weeks on Superbowl Sunday. I know both of us have lost at least some weight, it will come down to who wants it more. Feel free to leave your predictions/thoughts/telephone number (if you are a single female) in the comments below.