Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Week 1 Update - Gargantuar

The first week of the competition is well underway. Both The Tron and myself have been sharing our plans and our status. While the Tron is livin' it up Disney World style, I'll be livin' it up "Rocky IV" style.

Bundled up trudging through snow, chopping copious amounts of wood, pulling large objects (and people) behind me for no per usual. All in the name of losing weight and winning the Cold War against the Soviet Commies.

Man, I sure do look good on my hands and knees. Best of luck to you, Psychotron, on your trip. You commie bastard.

Diet Goal - Bring Lunch Everyday to Work
So far so good. I'm also excited about a side goal of mine, spacing out my meals. I usually eat a piece of fruit driving to work, i have oatmeal an hour or so later for breakfast. For lunch I've been eating a Lean Cuisine or left overs and then a yogurt an hour or so later. I have carrot sticks for snacking in the mid afternoon. And besides the Coke Zero last Sunday, I have yet to have another soda, just water.
Exercise Goal - Walk at Lunch Everyday
A pretty easy starting goal and maybe I should have challenged myself more, but I have been walking everyday at work for 25-30 minutes. There is usually a lot of down time too in the midafternoon, so I've been doing an extra lap or two around the office. I have joined a gym but have yet to actually go. I think I will have to check it out today or tomorrow and set a goal soon about going more often.
Next week is my challenging week as I leave for Las Vegas on Thursday January 20th. I'm sure I will be doing a lot of walking, but also a lot of drinking. At least my hotel should have a gym for me to use.


  1. In Soviet Russia, lunch brings you to work every day.

  2. Theres always that salad bar at the buffets to stuff yourself full of healthy foods! Just remember to stay away from the creamy dressings and fattening toppings like bacon bits and cheese and stick to the green stuff like spinach and broccoli

  3. Thanks for the tip Mark. I might just have to hit that up.

  4. That can't be you in the picture... you mention how good you look on your "hands and knees." Knowing that you only have one hand blew your cover. Other than that, the photo looks just like you.

    You almost had me fooled.
