Saturday, January 22, 2011

Psychotron - Daily Diary 3

So it took me some time to get the data together, and I'm sure it's incomplete/inaccurate here or there, but I've done the best I can to accumulate the data on everything I ate while I was on vacation from the 13th to the 20th. I'm not going to outline my activities each day, since they were all pretty much the same: walk for miles around the parks. I went swimming one day, and didn't go to the parks one other day.

If you're interested in how my trip actually went, you can check out my personal blog. Though, I only really talk about the things that were different on this year's trip from previous Disney trips. If you want the whole low down, you probably want to check out my history of posts on the subject.

The week's results are below:


Calories: 2,593

This was a travel day, which often finds me snacking on stuff I shouldn't be having. I did alright overall, considering the circumstances. I was in a seat on a train basically straight through from 4:00 PM until the next morning. So, not a lot in the way of "exercise." (I put it in quotes to confuse you).


Calories: 2,607

Also kind of a travel day, and then our first day in Disney World. I did well at lunch, electing to get a chicken sandwich, but I regressed at dinner with a couple slices of pizza. As they say, when in Rome...


Calories: 3,127

Bad day. And you know, I knew it was going to be a pretty bad day going in, but I didn't do a very good job of psyching myself up to eat well. We went to a Moroccan restaurant at Epcot, and it was good, but too much. The real problem, though, was us stopping for food later in the day at the Magic Kingdom. I knew I wasn't hungry, but I got chicken nuggets and fries anyways. I am glad that this was my only day this bad, though.


Calories: 2,249

For having gone out to dinner at a fancy restaurant, I'm pretty glad at how the calorie count shaped up. I ordered fish (with a potato shell, but still, fish), and got my only "dessert" of the trip: a pumpkin martini with Bailey's. It was good. Very pumpky.


Calories: 2,520

While the calorie count was near my daily goal of 2,500, the actual quality of food I had on this day was miserable. Eggs, bacon, toast, chips, dip, pretzels, wine. It was 2,500 awful calories.


Calories: 2,490

What's amazing/awesome is that I was absolutely bonkers for the food I ate this day. We went to the Yak and Yeti restaurant at Animal Kingdom, which might be my favorite restaurant in the world, I ordered food I wanted (beef & broccoli), and didn't slow myself down at all. And I came in 30 calories under the previous day. I'd say this day was a great lesson in how important it is to eat well, not just for calories, but for how you feel afterward.


Calories: 2,596

Another travel day, another instance of eating stuff I probably shouldn't eat, like chips and cookies. I also tried a couple of wines, a blush and a Merlot. The blush was fine, the Merlot was terrible.


Calories: 2,080

A nice return to my house, and to the controlled products I've got. No free blueberry muffins to tempt me, and all the 40-calorie hot dogs you can eat.


I took two things away from this trip:

First, as I said, I really want to focus on eating better food. I gave away some leftover pretzels and Goldfish I had in the house that were a constant source of temptation, and I'm putting together a shopping list that includes a lot of meals and full-flavor, non-snacky kind of stuff.

Second, I really hope to incorporate more activity in my strategy here. I'm hoping this cold I've had since before New Year's will finally subside soon, so I can get back to playing some Rock Band, lifting some weights, and whatever other exercises I can do in the cold weather. The warm weather in Florida let me do some walking without being worried of aggravating my cold, so that was good.

I'd also like to extend a preliminary invitation for when the weather improves for some tennis or basketball. I've got courts of both near my house, but I'm willing to travel some if needed. Exercising is always more fun with friends.

See y'all soon.


  1. Obviously anytime you want to shoot around, play catch, etc just shoot me a line.

  2. My office thanks you for the snacks. I'm also interested in tennis/basketball. It would be nice to pick a day per week to go after work.
