Monday, January 10, 2011

Psychotron - Daily Diary 1

I'm going to post my daily activity on here, but I'm not going to post it daily. I'm also not going to post it weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or by any other regular, prescribed schedule. I'm going to post randomly, whenever I feel like posting. Just rest assured, you'll get information on every day. It just might be 3 days later, or 5 days later, or 10 days later (probably only when I'm out of town).

The idea is to make myself accountable for all my actions, good or bad, both to myself and to our donors on this crazy ride. Anyways, here we go.


Calories: 1690
Activities: Weightlifting, shopping trip to Kohl's/grocery

Not a very exciting Saturday, but I knew that to be successful on this first day, I had to keep the calorie count in mind pretty much all day. I had a couple sandwiches, some popcorn, a pack of pepper jack crackers, and a Slim Jim (only 40 calories for a small one). My trip to the grocery store had two focuses. First, I wanted to get some meals, so I bought a few pre-made salads and some frozen Lean Cuisines. Second, I wanted to find a "guilt-free" sauce for dipping. Per recommendations from Eddie and Joey G, I found some teriyaki sauce that's only 10 calories per tablespoon. I'm looking forward to putting it into action.


Calories: 1940
Activities: Shopping trip to Wal-Mart, Lakeforest Mall

Like my partner in crime, I usually find weekends to be tough as far as trying to eat healthy, and for me, Sundays are the worst. My hope was that by forcing myself to go out and run errands, I'd prevent myself from slipping up, and for the most part, it worked. I wanted to buy some new khaki shorts in preparation for my Disney World trip this weekend.

The efforts started on Saturday with my (fruitless) trip to Kohl's, followed by a trip to Wal-Mart (which sadly didn't have any either). Finally, I went to Lakeforest Mall, and while JCPenny didn't have any shorts out, they did have a clearance section in which I found one pair of slightly-too-large shorts. Most importantly, I managed to go through Wal-Mart without making any irresponsible purchases (food-wise at least), and I totaled 180 calories while I was out; I had a Fiber One toaster pastry in between my stops. Overall, I'm pleased with how my weekend turned out. I'm hoping that I get over this cold I've been dealing with and start to really get some exercise soon.

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