Sunday, February 20, 2011

A "Fame"-ous Fan

We received the audio file below from a celebrity who discovered us, and wanted to offer his support. Exciting!

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Gargantuar to Psychotron
Gargantuar to Psychotron
Remove your tennis shoes, and turn that camera on.

Gargantuar to Psychotron
The scale's at zero, so step on
Check the number and record it on the blog....

This is Gargantuar to Psychotron
You've really done it now
With a competition you know you can't win
I'll beat you so bad it should be a sin

This is Psychotron to Gargantuar
You've talked a lot of trash
But when all is said and done, you're gonna lose
And no one wants to hear your lame boo hoo's

For I eating lots of salad
And tons of pineapple
Vegetables and fruits, oh they'll be the end of you

Though we've tried a hundred times before
This diet's gonna stick
We're gonna get in shape, I have no doubt
Cause family and friends are helping out

Gargantuar to Psychotron
The results are in, I'm twenty down
Did you hear me Psychotron?
What did you score Psychotron?
Did you hear me Psychotron?

So you won, a fifty dollar gift card
Good, great, nicely done
My congrats to you,
But you're going down month two...


  1. Most. Epic. Post. Ever. My thanks go out to David Bowie. Also, if you are having trouble hearing the audio file, try using Firefox as your browser.

    Nicely done Psychotron. We'll see each other again soon...very soon.

  2. Tons of votes, it'll be interesting to see how things shake out.
