Monday, February 14, 2011

Psychotron - Daily Diary X

We're like Super Bowls; once we get up to a certain number, we start using Roman numerals...

...not really. Just this one.

Anyways, on to the content.


Calories: 1,800
Activities: walking

Eddie and I have been walking with some more frequency at work, which definitely feels good. I know what you're thinking: "How can the Battle Marshal so blatantly support one competitor?" Well, let me answer your question with a question: why don't you get out of my face? :)

I also walked to dinner over at Hard Times. I had thought about getting my classic Santa Fe salad, but it's been forever since I had wings, and I generally don't get a ton of protein, so I decided to "splurge." I put splurge in quotes because, while I had plenty of wings, it was the best day I had over the weekend calorie-wise, and because really, 1,800 calories is a perfectly fine day.


Calories: 2,137
Activities: weightlifting

I built on my successful weightlifting session from Wednesday and had an even more productive day on that front. Everything I've read tells me that building muscles is great for losing weight and getting in shape. Plus a pretty girl told me pretty girls like guys with muscles...reason enough to do most anything, right?

Oh, Saturday was also the day I almost tried my pineapple chicken thing. Yes, almost. When I was actually confronted with the choice, I was too afraid of messing it up and having to either eat something unpleasant or cooking up another dinner. So I steamed some Santa Fe vegetables (only like half vegetables, it's got broccoli, corn, black beans, and red peppers), and made a couple grilled chicken sandwiches with some Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce. That sauce is the boss. It says so on the bottle.

So for now, we'll stick with just eating pineapple straight.


Calories: 2,553
Activities: walking, Rock Band

It's funny. A while ago when I was looking for information about dieting (more than a year ago), I found some calculator that suggested I aim for about 2,400 calories a day to lose weight at a steady pace. That's sort of where I drew the 2,500 calorie goal from.

Anyways, on one of my forays into trying to keep track of my calorie intake, I found that I was regularly crossing the 3,000 calorie threshold. Like, pretty much every day. I remember one night I went to Red Robin and got a milkshake and a burger, and the daily total was like 4,500. So when I get to 2,553 in a day and am a little disappointed in myself, it helps me to realize just how far I've already come from a mindset standpoint.

Anyways, went on a long walk with Eddie around our neighborhood, played some Rock Band, then did a little too much drinking, which may have contributed to me not feeling up to the work week this morning. Or maybe it was just a case of the Mondays.

Looking Ahead

I have my mandatory health consultation meeting on Tuesday morning, and I'm supposed to do some kind of orientation at the gym, but after that, I should be free to go crazy at my office's fitness center. I've never actually been inside it, so it'll be interesting to see what sort of amenities they've got to offer. Anthony, I'll let you know about the personal trainer thing. Eddie said he thinks they offer group sessions and classes, but that they're all free.

One more thing. For anybody who wants to donate something, but can't think of anything appropriate, I will relay this information. On Super Bowl Sunday, I was on the last notch of one of my belts. I put on the same belt this past Sunday, and it simply would not hold my pants up. My point being, Nick and I are probably going to need to rebuild our wardrobes as this competition goes on. A gift card to JCPenny, Kohl's, etc would help to defray some of that inevitable cost.

Happy Valentine's Day everybody.

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