Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Psychotron - Daily Diary 6

When last we left our hero, he was venturing into the barren wastelands of New Jersey, where gremlins pump your gas, and left turns are allowed sparingly. Let's catch up with him, and see where his quest took him.


Calories: 1,760

I behaved myself exquisitely on Saturday morning/afternoon, perhaps too much. I had just a granola bar and a Lean Cuisine, totaling 400 calories. In Atlantic City, I got most of my calories from alcohol, plus a turkey BLT wrap. The wrap came with potato chips, of which I had one.

I think it's important to make some good decisions like that, outside of just watching calories. Having instances where you elected not to eat something, or chose to eat less of something, gives you a good feeling. Any kind of positive reinforcement on something as difficult as dieting is important. Hanging out with a couple of cuties like Rachel and Julie didn't hurt the positive reinforcement either... [wink!]


Calories: 1,703

Our party went to White House for subs on Sunday morning, and I had a Diet Pepsi. In retrospect, I should've just gotten a small sub, since later in the day I bought a sandwich at McDonald's anyways. But, the abstention from a White House sub, and the purchase at McDonald's gave me two more instances of positive decisions. For my sandwich, I went with grilled chicken, no cheese, and got just the sandwich, rather than caving in and getting fries. I did a little too much munching when I got home, but overall it was a shockingly good weekend, considering the circumstances.


Calories: 1,990

Back to the grindstone. I've found Mondays to be pretty tough on the diet, because I'm generally pretty irritated by the time I get home from work on Monday evening. That usually results in seeking out either comfort food or some booze. I was able to keep it all under 2,000 calories, pulling in 440 calories of sake (four small glasses), and 440 calories in a pair of roast beef sandwiches. The key to keeping your sandwich calories low is sandwich thins; 100 calories per sandwich versus 100 calories per slice is a big time difference.

So who wants to go to Dave and Buster's (again) sometime soon? After dropping stupid amounts of cash in Atlantic City, I'm more open to spending $40 on a fun night out from time to time.

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