Sunday, February 6, 2011

Psychotron - Daily Diary 7

I'd like to offer a bunch of information about what's going on, but I'm sleepy, and I want to get this post done before tomorrow. Tomorrow, as I'm sure you know, is the big weigh-in, the first evaluation of our competition. We've had a good ride so far, and I feel like both Nick and I are still gearing up for even more progress going forward. In reviewing his performance, though, I think I'll be lucky to make it close.

I'll be making another post right after the weigh-in, a one-day review, along with my plans for month two.


Calories: 2,026

I ate the rest of the pineapple I had bought the week before on Tuesday. It was good, but I think I still have to work on focusing my snacks into just good stuff. I still had some cheese and crackers, and some pretzels.


Calories: 2,554

I didn't do a very good job of planning this day out, plus I finished a bottle of sake I had handy. It's beginning to look like I hit 2,500-2,600 about once a week. I don't really think that's necessarily a bad thing, but I do prefer not to get so close to/beyond my target of 2,500 calories, especially when I haven't been exercising very much.


Calories: 1,530

It was a pretty good make-up day on Thursday. I wish I had taken some notes during the day or something, because being able to keep my calories that low (lowest so far on any day) is something I'd like to be able to revisit when I can.


Calories: 2,002

The calorie count was fine, but the food I ate on Friday was not so good. I had a slice of pizza for lunch, potato chips when I got home, a salad for dinner, and whiskey and a pop tart later on. Like I said, the calorie count came out to be a reasonable number, but I want to eat better than that.


Calories: 2,165

This day was kind of a wild card. I had been great until about 4:00, when I decided to go up to Tommy's for the evening. After that, I had two small bags of Cheetos, a steak and cheese sandwich, a Lean Cuisine, a bag of popcorn, and a granola bar. BUT, I bought two more pineapples on Thursday, and sliced one on Saturday morning. So I look forward to re-incorporating some fruit again.

Big day tomorrow. Wish me luck.

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