Monday, February 14, 2011

Week 6 Goals - Gargantuar

(Image coutesy of comics)

Happy Valentine's Day everyone. I hope those of you with a Valentine take the time to show your love and appreciation...And then I hope none of you get laid. I'm not bitter, honest!

So last week was spent feeling like crap and trying not to sneeze/cough all over myself and others. That mission was complete with varying levels of success. Now that I feel 89.2% normal, this week will be a good get back to basics week. That means getting back to the gym, walking at work again, and no more sick food. I ate a few things while recuperating that were not the best, but were pretty delicious. I really want to keep the momentum building in terms of my exercise, as I have some plans coming up that involve a lot of running on my part. I need to be prepared. With that in mind, here are this weeks goals:

Weekly Diet Goal: Cook Dinner (or have cooked for me) Five Nights this Week

I know I'm going out to a Valentine's Day man date with my friend tonight. Other than that, I have no other dinner plans. If anyone wants to come help me achieve this goal, just come on over or invite me over if you live near Baltimore. Cooking dinner myself helps monitor and control my caloric intake. Also, it's pretty fun cooking with others, especially if they actually know what they are doing and can teach me.

Weekly Exercise Goal: Hit the Gym Two times and Walk Four Times

I'm trying to be realistic about going to the gym. My work schedule varies between working 7-4, 8-5 and 9-6 weekly. This week is 9-6 and I hate going to the gym after work and then have to cook dinner afterwards on my late week. So therefore, I am trying to go to the gym before work during my 9-6 week. Other weeks I will go after work and will try to go at least three times. I'm hoping if I can get into a groove going before work, that I can keep it going and add a trip or two.

So thats the latest from me. I really want to put up another big number at the next weigh-in. I know eventually I'll hit a wall and it will be harder to lose, so the more I lose now the better. Also, it's starting to get a little warmer and I need to get the bod in shape to show off to all the ladies without Valentines. Come find me if you're looking. I'm kind of like 7-11, I'm not always doing business but I'm always open ;)

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