My name is Nick "Gargantuar" Engle. If you are visting this site, you either
a) Want to lose weight
b) Laugh at others who are trying to and failing
c) Love Mega Death or Plants vs Zombies
d) Are related to Joe "Psychotron" Mattingly, or myself
This blog is dedicatated to the weight loss competititon between two "Jolly" fellas looking to lose weight in an effort to get laid...or get healthy...whatever. For 6 months we will diet, workout and basically sacrifice anything good to try to win the glorious prizes. The prizes are being donated by our friends and family to be split up into 6 rounds. After the initial weigh in, each month we will weigh ourselves by the "Battle Marshal" Eddie Mattingly (see image below) and the big guy who lost the most weight (by body weight %) wins that round of prizes.

It's All in the Name
Come on. My name is Gargantuar. I'm one of the toughest zombies to kill in the game "Plants vs Zombies." Psychotron? What kind of weaksauce name is that? Oooo look at me, I'm a song by a band nobody cares about. And if you were a real Psychotron, you are probably crazy and just as likely to hurt yourself as try to compete.
So bring it on Psychotron. I look forward to your demise.
a) Want to lose weight
b) Laugh at others who are trying to and failing
c) Love Mega Death or Plants vs Zombies
d) Are related to Joe "Psychotron" Mattingly, or myself
This blog is dedicatated to the weight loss competititon between two "Jolly" fellas looking to lose weight in an effort to get laid...or get healthy...whatever. For 6 months we will diet, workout and basically sacrifice anything good to try to win the glorious prizes. The prizes are being donated by our friends and family to be split up into 6 rounds. After the initial weigh in, each month we will weigh ourselves by the "Battle Marshal" Eddie Mattingly (see image below) and the big guy who lost the most weight (by body weight %) wins that round of prizes.

The prizes are as of yet undetermined but we have had some great offers of video games/consoles, sporting event tickets and other such prizes. The official weigh in is being held tonight, Friday January 7th. Both Psychotron and myself will be updating this blog regularly with our take on the action and updates about our personal goals and how we went about achieving them.
In case anyone is making bets...I am going to win. It's not even going to be close. I have one concrete reason why:
It's All in the Name
Come on. My name is Gargantuar. I'm one of the toughest zombies to kill in the game "Plants vs Zombies." Psychotron? What kind of weaksauce name is that? Oooo look at me, I'm a song by a band nobody cares about. And if you were a real Psychotron, you are probably crazy and just as likely to hurt yourself as try to compete.
So bring it on Psychotron. I look forward to your demise.
epic battle master pic.